Saturday, September 22, 2012

Harpy (WIP)

A work in progress.  I modeled a fairly low poly character model and created a texture, a partial normal map, and an ambient occlusion map to help show color variations. The wing are still untextured, however hopefully I will be able to bring my experience with a similar project to bear on it. It isn’t complete by any means – I still need to finish up the normal map, as well as create a specularity map – but I do feel like I’ve pushed my boundaries.

As a mythological creature, a harpy doesn’t really make that much anatomical sense. Birds (excluding flightless birds) are basically blobs with wings, a head, and two stick like legs. The pectoral muscles on a bird are enormous in comparison to the rest of its body. Given this information, I decided to bulk up the the deltoid and pectoral muscles while maintaining an aesthetically acceptable form.

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